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Central Finance

Global Food Manufacturer Success Story

delivers successful SAP S/4HANA Central Finance program, centralizing and optimizing data from over 20 countries.


The organization, a company of over 80,000 employees, sought to begin their SAP S/4HANA journey, with a newSAPCentral Finance(CFIN)program that would collectand harmonizedata from 20+ countries’ SAP ECC systems to provide the business with near real-timefinancialreporting on transactions and payments.

As the existing SAP ECC systems would remain in situ, the solution would need to ensuredata collected in the SAP S/4HANACentral Financesolution wasrelevant, accurateandup-to-date.AccurateMaster data was marked as a significant priorityaswith so many countriesinvolved,this needed to be harmonized and validated before reaching theCentral Finance environment.

Imagery InternationalFoodBeverage


deployeda package of SAP Advanced Data Migrationby ,along with’sCentral Finance Acceleratorand Data Replication(SDR) todeliver onthe organization’s program.Thesolution broke down into twophases:

  1. Master data harmonization and loadusing SAP ADM and SAP DSconducted in waves due to the vast amount of data and systems involved in the project
  2. On-going real time replication and validation of datausing SAP ADM and Data Replication,from the multiple countries’ ERPs(SAP and Non-SAP)tothe SAP S/4HANA Central Finance Systemand back

Both of these were supported and accelerated by’sCentral Finance best practiceacceleratorto support the knowledge ramp-up for both aspects of the project.

Near real-time transactional posting wasconductedvia SDRusingthreepre-migrationlogicscansto validate master data that included relevancy checks (whether we want this migrated or not), S/4 CFIN target readiness, and the most complex of all wasBusiness Partnerharmonizationto merge customerand vendor data.


Thesolutionhasallowed the company to get up and running inCFinearlier than anticipatedwith both payments and transactional postingnowfully functional. Planning forthe next step of the SAP S/4HANA journeyis underway, andconnectivity efforts and master data work done to date has positioned the company for an ideal, smooth and effective transformation to SAP S/4HANA.